Sunday, December 6, 2015

Vainglory Game Review

       Hello and welcome back to my blog, today I will be talking about my thoughts on a free mobile MOBA game called Vainglory. I think this game is very good and is growing in popularity, though you have probably never heard of it before. This game is free-to-play on almost any device you have, except windows phones. I would recommend this game to anybody who has some free time on their hands, as each session can last over 15 minutes and if you do not want the steep learning curve of a normal MOBA. What do I mean, well, most MOBA's require you to learn all of the abilities of a character and how to maximize them to be good, but not in Vainglory, where there are only three moves and a basic attack, and a very easy item system to learn. To start, I would recommend trying out many heroes and trying to find a goal, like getting a new hero, or unlocking a new skin. It is not the easiest to get the hang of and can take a while to train your fingers to play the game properly, but it is fun when you play with friends and allies. The new guild and team system add a lot to the game, first off, they allow an easier method of making friends and there are rewards for leveling up your guild and you can have a lot more fun if you know that you are helping your entire guild when you play. Over all I would rate this game 9/10. It could just appeal to me, being a very competitive person and liking when I win, but I think others would enjoy other aspects of the game too. That is all for this week, thank you for reading my blog and have a good week.